Audrey Pandi

Educational background: BASI Comprehensive Global Program April 2019

Workshop/courses: Journey to Healing Diastasis Recti, Pilates for Injuries and Pathologies, Pilates for Scoliosis.

Favorite Pilates exercise: Teaser

I began Pilates practice in 2017 and quickly developed a passion for the Pilates method after seeing results in my own body. My body and lifestyle transformation inspired her to become certified and pursue a career as a Pilates Instructor. 

 “I choose Pilates because it’s science-based. Every movement has a reason and purpose. Pilates exercises are designed for every daily activity; there is not a moment in your life where you can not apply a Pilates principle to your posture, movement, or breathing.”

I like to run my classes through the BASI Block System, as I trust it to get results for all my clients. The Block system systematically works every section of the body in every class, bringing balance and stability. Once my clients have mastered holding their abdominals in and lower back in the correct posture, we move onto the more dynamic and fun movements. Most clients will be able to advance to the next stage after coming consistently for around 10 sessions.

When I’m not teaching Pilates also like to do weightlifting, cardio, and eat healthily.

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